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Our Commitment - TOP
A force for good
Lonsdale Solutions believe in the values and goals that Certified B Corporations strive for. B Corporation is a global movement of purpose driven companies using profits as a means to a greater end; to create positive impacts for their employees, economies, communities, and the environment.
We underwent an extensive process of analysis and change across the entire organisation to achieve B Corporation certification. Our commitment is now enshrined within our Company Constitution to benefit all stakeholders and shareholders.
B Corporation

Lonsdale Solutions philanthropic strategy is to commit a portion of each Consultant’s revenue to charitable giving each year. This helps to create a direct link between our Consultant’s fees and their impact to change the lives of others.
Our philanthropic strategy is wholly owned by our employees and aligned to their collective passions.

"Our philanthropic strategy is wholly owned by our employees"
Ethical Business & Social Impact
Ethical Business & Social Impact
Lonsdale Solutions are an ethical business and only work with partners and suppliers who share the same values.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets our expectations of the suppliers we engage. We are deliberate about our preference for working locally with diverse companies that are owned by underrepresented groups and indigenous enterprise.
Lonsdale Solutions partners with companies of all sizes. And where necessary Lonsdale Solutions will provide its expertise through pro-bono, volunteer or board work for those worthy partners who otherwise do not have the means to access our skills.

"Working ethically with partners and suppliers who share our same values"
Lonsdale Solutions takes ownership of its environmental impact and strives to continually reduce its environmental footprint each year. With the help of carbon off-set credits we aim to be totally carbon neutral. Our preferred suppliers share this commitment to the environment and pursuit policies and practices aimed at carbon neutrality. Our own office is highly energy efficient and has zero waste targets.

"Striving for carbon neutral environmental impact"
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